The grand opening event of the Centre for the Engineering of Smart Product Service Systems (ZESS) took place on 2 May. In addition to the (technical) development perspective on the engineering of smart product-service systems, Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens provided an impulse in her opening speech that placed greater emphasis on the human factor in this context. In the later roundtable discussion, this impulse was taken up together with Prof. Dr. Annette Kluge and intensively discussed with 20-25 interested participants. Towards the end of the discussion format, a comprehensive research agenda emerged from the interests of the participants. The roundtable took place in the emerging AI lab on the fourth floor of the ZESS, which is being built by the IAW together with Think Square and was open to interested parties during the day. It will be used in the future as a simulation room for interaction with AI and for role development for working with AI. The development of the AI lab is a project of the HUMAINE competence centre, which also presented itself on the third floor and has been at home at ZESS for two months now.