Accreditation of abroad modules

Studying abroad is generally encouraged. Our chair supports this by recognizing your academic achievements acquired abroad if possible. We support this by recognizing your academic achievements acquired abroad by the Chair of Labor, Human Resources and Leadership.

General Information

We recognize modules at bachelor and master level that include a behavioral science basis and are comparable in time (workload) to our classes. In addition, you should not have participated in similar modules at our chair.

Before going abroad

The basis for the accreditation is that you send us an e-mail to before going abroad containing the following information:

  • Name and CP of the module that is planned to be attended abroad.
  • Module description ideally from the module handbook of the foreign university, including a list of content and literature, number of hours per week, ECTS credits, and modalities of the examination at the foreign university (e.g. written exam, oral exam, presentation, etc.).
  • Pre-filled “Antrag auf Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen – ERASMUS-Programm” or in case you stay abroad outside the ERASMUS program the “Learning Agreement” of our chair.
Please send your e-mail only after you have gathered all information (no links!). In case of a positive feedback you will receive a form signed by Prof. Dr. Wilkens that you will take with you abroad.

After the stay abroad

Within the ERASMUS program: Submit the ERASMUS Learning Agreement together with the Transcript of Records of the foreign university to the examination office.
Outside the ERASMUS program: Send the Learning Agreement of our chair together with the Transcript of Records of the foreign university to ls-. We will prepare the required form for submission to the examination office.