Courses offered at the Chair of Work, Human Resources and Leadership

The course offerings at the Chair of Work, Human Resources and Leadership is due to the business dedication of the chair. und die verhaltenswissenschaftliche Grundausrichtung der Chair in the spectrum of Organizational Behavior. Characteristic for the teaching at the chair is close interlocking of Research and practice, which is reflected, among other things, in cooperative teaching-learning formats and the integration of company excursions, Practice Weeks and Conversation Simulations expressed in the course offerings.

From this perspective, the Chair at the offer of scientific training of the institute für Arbeitswissenschaft (IAW) sowie der Bachelor- und Masterausbildung of the Faculty of Economics. Am IAW fließen die business management modules in the Master of Organizational Management come together. At the Faculty of Economics, the interdisciplinary profile in management education gets sharpened.