Kollaboration im B2B-Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk – Nutzung von Laborerfahrung für den Transfer zu Praxispartnern

Projektdauer:04/2020 – 03/2021
Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens, Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik
Projektkoordination:Murat Keskin
Finanzierung:Universitätsausschreibung für Innovative Praxisprojekte - Kollaboration im B2B Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk - Nutzung von Laborerfahrung für den Transfer zu Praxispartnern (Exploiting the Collaboration Space), 18.500€

Hintergrund und Zielsetzung:

Kollaborationsfähigkeit von Unternehmen als Schlüssel zum Erfolg

Within B2B markets, start-ups as well as well-established enterprises are equally seeking strategies to strengthen their position in the market, to enhance their competitiveness and to foster innovation. Start-ups thereby strive for the success of their venture, whereas well-established enterprises intend to uphold their capacity for innovation in the dynamic economy of the present day. A successful collaboration among start-ups and well-established companies enables both actors to successfully meet their goals. However, for such collaborations to take place, it is essential that both enterprises are capable to overcome cultural and structural differences. In scientific terms, this is known as the “ Adaptive Space“, which determines if such differences can been overcome and if collaboration is feasible.

Willkommen im „Collaboration Space“!

This master’s seminar titled „Collaboration in the B2B value creation network – using laboratory experience for transfer to practice partners“ has the objective to introduce students to the obstacles of collaborations within the B2B environment, enabling them to develop their ability to collaborate in a self-reflective and practice-oriented setting, allowing them to transfer the skills they have developed to external companies. Initially, the course will provide students with the necessary collaborative skills at an individual, team and organizational level. This is carried out by gathering hands-on experiences through the newly constructed Collaboration Space, an simulation space with collaboration challenges and other activities for building collaboration skills. In this way, it provides students with the chance of experiencing the collaborative challenges at the example of an Escape Room. Self-reflective evaluations will take place before, due and after the simulation session. In this unique online based Escape Room, the students have the chance to explore the effects of their individual competencies on the level of team competencies.

Austausch mit Praxispartnern aus der B2B-Startupszene und der Industrie

In addition to building collaboration routines and the capacity of identifying relevant challenges, this seminar provides the opportunity to get in touch with partners in the field and to gain insight into the B2B network ecosystem. During the first part of the seminar, well-established enterprises of the industry as well as entrepreneurs in the B2B context will supervise the module. On the basis of this experience, participants will not just experience the actual challenges faced within the network, but also act as a facilitator between the partners and facilitate the management of the network itself. Accordingly, students do not merely take up the role of an observer, they become real contributors in the value creating network. By the end of the module, students are required to prepare a final poster pitch, that will be evaluated by both partners in practice and academics.


Summerschool 2020

  • Course/ Seminar number: 074335
  • Targeted audience and participants:Master’s students of Business and Chemistry/Biochemistry (WiWi, Chemie und Biochemie)
  • Maximum number of participants: 30 Participants (15 Students from the Faculty of Management and Economics and 15 Students from the Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
  • Dates:
  • Summerschool 2020: A digital course offered in Moodle providing real-time digital discourse.
  • Times: Wed. 09.09. – Fr. 11.09.2020, 9 am – 5 pm each and Mon. 14.09. – Wed. 16.09.2020, 9 am – 5 pm each
  • Credits: 5 ECTS
  • Registration: Please clicke here for registration